Saturday, October 29, 2005

I'm proud to be an oilman

Bush team resists tax hit on oil profits
But signals it may find way to help fund home heating for low-income families

Friday, October 28, 2005 Page B8Bloomberg News

WASHINGTON -- The Bush administration, facing mounting pressure from the U.S. Congress to address record energy costs, has ruled out a tax on soaring oil company profits.Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman said yesterday that he opposes any proposal for a windfall profits tax.

He was responding to a question at a Senate hearing about a Deutsche Bank analyst report that the White House might offer a plan to tax oil companies to fund home heating aid for low-income families.

alright, who do these useless feeders think they are wanting me to tax Big Oil?They earned this money fair and square, and I'm tired of hearing about the low and middle class needing heating oil, gas and such stuff. Bunch a damn sissies, hell you don't hear anyone in Congress cry babying about that stuff. Buck it up, stand up and act like men. If you can't put up with a little cold what good are ya? GWB

Entry Word: greed
Function: noun
Text: an intense selfish desire for wealth or possessions
Synonyms acquisitiveness, avarice, avariciousness, avidity, covetousness, cupidity, greediness, rapaciousness, rapacity
Related Words materialism, possessiveness; appetite, craving, hankering, hunger, itch, longing, lust, passion, ravenousness, thirst, voracity, yearning, yenNear

Antonyms contentment, fulfillment, satisfaction; bounteousness, bounty, charity, generosity, generousness, liberality, openhandedness, openheartedness, unselfishness....... you know, all those qualities that Christ expects from us.

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