Don't none a you pansies bad mouth big oil. All yer pissin and moanin about them useless feeders and their problems is really startin to piss me off!!!Bush, Senate at odds over oil profits
WASHINGTON, Nov. 3 (UPI) -- The Bush administration is opposing U.S. Senate Republicans who want oil companies to divert some profits to low-income households for winter heat.
Senate Finance Committee Chairman Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, has called for oil and gas companies to devote a portion of their nearly $100 billion profits in the latest quarter to families who could see a 50-percent hike in heating bills this winter.
But Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman said there was no way the administration would back the proposal, The Washington Times reported Thursday.
In letters to three oil and gas companies, Grassley asked them to contribute 10 percent of their profits to fuel funds operated by states and utility companies that supplement the federal heating assistance program.
"In light of record profits and rising energy costs, it seems only logical for the companies to practice good corporate citizenship by helping low-income families and seniors," Grassley wrote.
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