"Yea the time cometh when he that killeth you will think that he doeth God service." (John 16:2)
The fact that the Vatican entered into a concordat with Hitler [signed in the Vatican by Von Papen and Cardinal Secretary of State: Eugenio Pacelli (later Pope Pius XII), 20 July 1933], as with Mussolini, Franco and Salazar is no secret.
The fact that the Vatican entered into a concordat with Hitler [signed in the Vatican by Von Papen and Cardinal Secretary of State: Eugenio Pacelli (later Pope Pius XII), 20 July 1933], as with Mussolini, Franco and Salazar is no secret.
But the Vatican's attempt to seduce Hitler into extending the provisions of that concordat to include every country he raped and pillaged is not so well known, but is recorded in Hitler's own words in his book: "Hitler's Secret Conversations" i.e. "I have shown myself unresponsive to the attempts of the Vatican toward the extension of the provisions of the concordat to embrace the newly acquired territories of the Reich. The Saar, Sudetenland, Bohemia and Moravia, the Reichsgau Danszig-East Prussia, the Warthegau, a large part of Silesia and Alsace-Lorraine have, in fact, no relations with the Roman Catholic Church which are supported by formal international agreement" (page 516).
"The attitude of the Bishop von Galen affords just one more argument in favor of terminating the Concordat after the war, substituting for it regional regulations and immediately withholding from the Church the financial support at present guaranteed to it by that treaty" (page 520).
Pacelli (negotiating the concordat provisions) insisted, the German State, within the dictates of the concordat, "be bound by any and all proposals of the local bishop regarding teachers of religion, and that the state would be obliged to fire such teachers if the bishop so demanded; meanwhile, the state would be required to meet all financial obligations, and at the same time, guarantee the application of cannon law to the faithful"
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