Thursday, March 15, 2007

America! Wake up! get your shit together!!

There is one, and only one chance to save this past great country from total ruin. Ron Paul is running for president and if you don't know about him, you can find out what he's about from the included links.
Don't fall for that self defeating nonsense "he can't win, why waste my vote." That is a defeatest attitude and a "sheeple" point of view.
America! Stand up on yer hind legs and do something!!!

Paul, an obstetrician/gynecologist from just south of Houston, is far from the Republican mainstream and acknowledgedthat he has been largely shunned by the national party. He has criticized President Bush for acting unconstitutionally in sending U.S. troops to Iraq and has said he would support an investigation into whether Bush "deliberately misrepresented" his reasons for doing so. "I'm very confident the Republican party has gone in the wrong direction," Paul said in his C-SPAN appearance. "We used to be the party of small government. Now we're the party of big government."

Paul is a libertarian Republican who constantly enrages the GOP because he actually believes in a small federal government and sound fiscal policies. He’s anti-death penalty, anti-drug laws,
anti-police state, anti-Patriot Act and anti-anything that’s not authorized by the Constitution. Texas Dems now love him for his "principled anti-war stance," while pro-abortion voters don’t need to worry about the obstetrician/gynecologist’s strong pro-life stance — he knows the federal government has noright to get involved in such stuff. And as California just proved, states can figure out universal health care and global-warming rules while the federal government can’t do anything.

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