Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Them rascal Jesuits

The following is taken from an interview by Rick Martin, on April 15, 2000 with author Eric Jon Phelps of the book Vatican Assassins. It appears King George has indeed fulfilled his role as stooge.

Martin: How do you see that unfolding?
Phelps: What’s that?
Martin: The destruction of the Western Empire.
Phelps: As far as the actions of overthrowing the government and having a tyranny, is that what you mean?
Martin: Right. What do you see life like here in the next 5 or 10 years?
Phelps: It’s hard to put a date on it; it’s hard to put a year on it. But I would say it’s going to continually become more and more a matter of "central power" in Washington. You’re going to have less and less power in the Congress. And one of these days, the Congress is going to be closed. And all we’re going to have is a Commander-in-Chief. We’re going to have some form of absolutism, with the President becoming now a dictator.
Martin: Do you think George Bush, Jr. will be that person?
Phelps: He could be. I won’t say he will be, but he could be. It will be someone like him—with complete allegiance to Rome, just like his father. His grandfather helped set up the CFR. His uncle is a Knight of Malta. It will be someone like him.
And he WILL be the next President. They’ve already chosen him in the College of Cardinals. Everything else is a show. Jesuit-trained Buchanan is a show. Roman Catholic McCain is a show. The Black Roman Catholic Keyes is a show, although he tickles me. He advocates abolition of the 14th Amendment. If that happens, what are the Black people going to do? They’re not citizens; they have no rights! Dred Scott comes into play. He’s a fake.
So, what I see is more and more centralization of power in the hands of the President. The Supreme Court is just a rubber stamp. He becomes the king. The courts are nothing more than the courts of the king’s bench. The Federal Reserve Bank will remain in power. Everything will be monitored and controlled by Washington, unless some of God’s men start trusting God and get in control of the state and cause it to secede. The only answer to this is state secession, leaving this Union—it’s not a Union, it’s an Empire—leaving the Empire that began in 1868, assuming national sovereignty, once again. And the first state that would do this, I’m moving there. Because I don’t want to see the FBI anymore. I don’t want to see the CIA. I don’t want to see any of these national bureaucracies anymore.
Martin: Montana seems close. Arizona seems close.
Phelps: Well, when they do it, I’ll move there. But that’s what would happen if things continue as they are. We’ll have race war. We’re going to have the Moslems fighting the Klu Klux Klan. Whites siding with the Whites; the Blacks siding with the Blacks. It’s going to be a blood-bath everywhere. And that will justify Martial Law, and the military, and the whole nine yards, and also foreign occupation; we’re going to have that too. And you know how foreigners are in a foreign country. They rape the women. They couldn’t care less about the social strata of the country. They have no mercy on the people. They have a foreign tongue. And that’s what they’ll do. And that’s all the more reason for a state to secede.

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